The U.S.-Mexico border presents a unique set of challenges for companies used to moving good across the U.S.-Canada border. In fact, it can have an entirely different process from all your other imports and exports - and processes and requirements... Read more >
Today’s businesses are faced with increasing competition on a global scale. Without a strong supply chain operation to keep goods moving and cash flowing, businesses risk falling behind. But as businesses evolve, grow and expand to new markets, supply chain... Read more >
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) Safe Food for Canadians Act is currently scheduled to come into effect on January 1, 2015, and will have a significant impact on importers and exporters. Read more >
Find out how U.S. exporters can take advantage of the Non-Resident Importer program to expand into Canadian markets This guide is an essential resource for any business aiming to become a non-resident importer. Starting with basic questions like “What is... Read more >
Filing for duty drawback is a great way to get back a large portion of the duty you paid to U.S. Customs. However, applying for duty drawback can be tricky. There are a number of key considerations you need to... Read more >
ISF enforcement is happening. As of July 2013, U.S. Customs and Border Protection is assessing liquidated damages against importers whose Importer Security Filing (ISF) is missing, late or inaccurate. These fines can reach as high as $5,000 per infraction. Make... Read more >
Following the SAFE Port Act of 2006, the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection introduced the concept of 10+2 – 10 required data elements from importers (and two from carriers) that helps Customs decide which containers... Read more >
Shipping into Canada can be challenging – especially if you haven’t ensured that your goods aren’t affected by Other Government Department (OGD) regulations. There are three critical steps that you need to take to ensure that you are complying with OGD... Read more >
Understanding how the goods you export to Canada clear Customs will help you troubleshoot problems and avoid lengthy border delays. There are a number of steps that you should be familiar with, including the following: Filling out customs documentation; Having... Read more >
When you talk shipping and international trade, all of the jargon and acronyms can make it sound like another language. Yet as a successful business it's important to understand the terminology behind the movement of goods across the border -... Read more >