Corporate cultures don’t just happen, they are cultivated. People decide. It was decided years ago that Livingston would value people above all. From that, would come success.
We contribute. You can too.
Our corporate social responsibility program focuses on our communities, our people, and the environment.
- We are a proud supporter of the Red Cross and the World Wildlife Foundation.
- Employees are reimbursed for educational programs that meet criteria.
- The company provides disaster-relief funds for employees in need.
- If you fundraise as a team for a local charity, Livingston will add to or match your donation. To date, the program has matched 100% of funds raised by associates.
- Livingston scholarships support students in trade-related programs, and the children of employees who are entering college or university.
- Paid volunteer hours are available to all Livingston employees.
- We support a number of sustainability initiatives to reduce our environmental footprint.

You’ll always know what’s going on.
We believe everyone who works at Livingston deserves to be kept up to date about the company and changes that could affect them. At Livingston, transparency is built in.
Company leaders hold roundtable events with groups of staff to share suggestions, strategy, feedback.
Company news, announcements, and photos are posted on our intranet.
Financial status, sales wins, and client feedback are shared.
The CEO and other top managers host a live webinar to share our financial picture and initiatives.
We solve problems
You never work alone at Livingston.
We encourage teamwork based on respect and mutual support. Working together, our people solve problems, meet deadlines, and help our customers get to where they need to go more efficiently.
Good news
travels fast.
Achievement is recognized at Livingston.
“Connections,” our online system, includes a live feed for recognizing efforts both large and small as they happen. It also includes service anniversary recognition and a point system through which employees can redeem points for gifts from a large selection of retailers.

Speaking up
is admired.
If you have an opinion that could be valuable to other Livingston associates, you can share it. We use surveys, some to help employees offer suggestions on specific topics, and others company-wide to find out what our people are thinking about the work environment, their jobs, and management.
Our Values
We respect other people, communicating clearly and acting with integrity.
Client focus.
We are focused on our clients, through efficient, responsive and innovative services and solutions.
We make decisions, based on our best analysis of the situation, input from others and a willingness to take action.
Positive attitude.
We have a positive attitude, with pride in the accomplishments of our company, our team and ourselves. We are excited about the future.
Financial responsibility.
We are financially responsible, spending wisely, supporting business objectives and continually striving to add value.
We strive for balance in our competing daily work demands and in our personal and work lives.
We use these three words frequently. They motivate our company and our people. If you’d like to know more about what’s underneath those words, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 312 516-4190.
Grow with us.
Pick your path.
At Livingston, you don’t just get
a job, you launch a career.