Updated 5106 to be Deployed in ACE on March 16, 2019

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will be deploying the filing of their Notification of Importer’s Numbers or Notice of Change of Name or Address CBP 5106 form to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) on March 16, 2019.  This automated process will eliminate the submission of the paper CBP 5106 form in most cases.

As well as automation, the deployment requires additional reporting data elements for Importers and Consignees.  Whether an electronic or paper submission, the information provided on the new form is a full replacement of the data on file with CBP.

How does this CBP revision impact you?

The CBP 5106 is used to notify CBP of new importer numbers not already on file, of updates to an existing importer number, and for non-resident parties to apply for a CBP assigned number.

Importers are required to provide these additional data elements only when they experience a change to their current information on file with CBP.  This deployment does not impact current importer information on file.  If an update is necessary, the paper form and instructions outline the new mandatory and optional data elements.

Regarding Consignee information not already on file with CBP, this deployment requires the additional reporting of the Consignee’s email address, phone number and address type.  To avoid any service delays, Importers are encouraged to provide this information on their commercial invoice for all new consignees to which they have not previously shipped.

If you have any questions regarding the changes to CBP’s 5106 requirements or require assistance in updating your information with CBP, Livingston can help!  Please contact either your Livingston account manager or our regulatory affairs group at [email protected]