Export Requirements for Sugar and Sugar-Containing Products TRQ to United States

Global Affairs Canada issued two new industry notices dated 30 June 2020 on the export of sugar and sugar containing products Tariff rate quotas (TRQ) to the United States under the new agreement CUSMA.

The notices provide the policies and the administration of the TRQ allocation process.  The notices effective July 1, 2020  is provided pursuant to the authority of the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) and its corresponding regulations, and remains in effect until December 31, 2020. An allocation policy will be established for exports of these goods, effective January 1, 2021 onward.

Sugar-Containing Products for Export to the United States under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement – Serial No. 1001

  • Eligible Sugar-Containing Products means goods listed in subparagraph (g) of TRQ – US 10 of Appendix 2: Tariff Schedule of the United States – (Tariff Rate Quotas) of CUSMA that meet the applicable origin requirements in Chapter 4 (Rules of Origin) of CUSMA and in subparagraph (e) of TRQ – US 10.
  • The quantity under this Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) is 9,600,000 kilograms per calendar year. This quantity is pro-rated to 4,800,000 kilograms in year 1 of CUSMA implementation.

Sugar for Export to the United States under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement – Serial No. 1002

  • Originating Sugar means goods listed in subparagraph (e) of TRQ – US 09 of Appendix 2: Tariff Schedule of the United States – (Tariff Rate Quotas) of CUSMA that are wholly obtained from sugar beets produced in Canada.
  • The quantity under this Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) is 9,600,000 kilograms per calendar year. This quantity is pro-rated to 4,800,000 kilograms in year 1 of CUSMA implementation.

View the policy and allocations in Industry Notice Serial No. 1001 and Serial 1002  for information and details.

Related information and links

Further details on CBSA export control requirements can be found in D19-10-3 Administration of the Export and Import Permits Act (Exportations)