Results of CFIA’s seed regulatory modernization consultation

From February 15th to May 1st, 2023, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) held public consultations on the proposed Seed Regulatory Modernization.

Submissions were received from farmers, producers, seed growers, seed analysts, seed developers, seed conditioners, the general public and others and are now summarized in CFIA’s What we heard report.

As part of the seed regulatory modernization, CFIA has performed a full-scale review of the following parts of the Seeds Regulations in order to reduce the complexity of existing requirements while keeping pace with our fast-changing world:

  • Part I – Seeds other than Seed Potatoes
  • Part II – Seed Potatoes
  • Part III – Variety Registration, and
  • Part IV – Registration of Establishments that Prepare Seed and Licensing of Operators of the Seeds Regulations

Next steps

The CFIA will consider all input when developing proposed options for amending the Seeds Regulations. The CFIA anticipates consulting on seed regulatory modernization proposals and recommendations in Winter 2024.