New food declaration requirements deferred until January 2022

On January 1st, 2022, new import control processes will take effect. These new processes won’t affect the majority of goods. However, certain categories (those that fall under sanitary and phytosanitary controls such as food) controlled by the Animal and Plant Health Agency and Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) will have additional import control. Here’s what will be affected:

  • Low-risk Animal By-Products (known as Category 3 ABPs): A number of these products may require a health certificate if available – if there is no health certificate for your commodity, your products may still be able to travel under license and a commercial document
  • Products of Animal Origin (POAO), unless there’s a safeguard measure in place
  • High-risk food or feed not of animal origin (HRFNAO)
  • Fishery products and live bivalve mollusks

These controls, which are administered by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on behalf of DEFRA, include:

  • Import pre-notification and certification (animal health certificate, Phytosanitary Certificate) for the products, with documentary checks carried out remotely
  • Identity and physical checks at destination or other approved premises on certain goods, such as high-risk animals

If you’re moving products from the EU and the European Economic Area, you must notify DEFRA in advance by using the Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System (IPAFFS). You must be registered to use IPAFFS for the submission of product-related data. You can complete registration through your Government Gateway Account.

The timeline for submission is as follows:

  • One working day before your consignment is due to arrive, if it is coming from a non-EU country
  • 24 hours before your consignment is due to arrive, if it is coming from the EU or EEA

Information Required for Imports from the EU and EEA

  • What you’re importing
  • The date of import into Great Britain
  • The country of origin
  •  The consignment’s destination

For importers already grappling with the administrative burden Brexit created, these new controls increase the strain on them. Livingston can help – we will:

  • Review your intended import volumes and products
  • Give specific advice on the best solution for your business and the steps you need to take for future movements of DEFRA-controlled products
  • Provide advice on product liability, registration and product data submissions
  • Provide assistance in creating policies and procedures

Our focus on HMRC and DEFRA compliance goes beyond the legislation. We use our expertise in business best practices, regulatory controls and process and procedures to support your import and DEFRA reporting programs. To learn more, contacts us at [email protected].