Mexican government announces fee for customs clearance services for foreign goods outside of working hours

On January 13th, 2022, the Mexican government published Information Letter No.1 regarding the payment of fees to authorize provide customs clearance services for foreign trade goods during non-working hours in the Single Window of Mexican Foreign Trade (VUCEM). This news is critical for businesses importing goods into Mexico, as it will impact their customs clearance costs and times.

This letter references article 40, subsection u) of the Federal Rights Law, which provides for the payment of fees to the customs office for the authorization to provide customs clearance services for merchandise foreign trade outside the business days and hours indicated by the Tax Administration Service.

As of January 1st, 2022, users who generate a request through the Digital Window must pay $251 through the MUPEA platform using their payment ID. Once the payment has been made, the user must include the payment ID throughout the rest of the process. The user will receive a confirmation when the payment has been received. For more information, click here. Should you have any questions, send an email to [email protected] and [email protected] or call the VUCEM Service Desk at 800 286 3133.

Read article here (Spanish).