Importers, with options to comply with Official Mexican Standards (NOMs): Secretariat of Economy

Importers of merchandise to Mexico have the opportunity to decide whether to submit their products to the availability of the Verification Units, where they demonstrate their compliance with the Official Mexican Standards (NOMs), or to label them before reaching customs, as appropriate to their needs. , said the Ministry of Economy (SE).

After the National Auto Parts Industry (INA) expressed its dissatisfaction with the elimination of the benefits that were had within Annex 2.4.1 of the foreign trade rules, on regulations to import merchandise to Mexico, which, it assured, will affect the auto parts industry and all manufacturing sectors; the agency said that it is their obligation to ensure compliance with regulations.

Secretariat of Economy mentioned that it is the government’s responsibility to ensure that each individual who is in contact with imported or domestic products has the necessary information on the product.

“They must have the necessary elements that allow you to make sure that they are suitable for your purpose. No matter how, where or who uses them”.

He explained that current regulations establish compliance alternatives for importers.

“It is important to highlight that the objective of the official Mexican labeling standards is to provide the user with the necessary information to alert them about risks to their safety and health,” concluded the Secretariat of Economy.

Read full article (Spanish).