B.C. Port workers vote in favor of strike

Terminal cargo loaders at British Columbia’s ports have voted overwhelmingly in support of strike action against the BC Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA) if necessary.

Negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the BCMEA are scheduled to continue this week, after the previous agreement between the two sides expired on March 30. The union’s U.S. counterpart is holding its own talks with West Coast ports leading to disruptions in ports, including Los Angeles.

The BCMEA and ILWU Canada have mutually agreed that no 72-hour strike or lockout notice will be filed before June 21, 2023. The earliest either party can exercise the right to strike or lockout is 12:01am PT June 24, 2023, if at all.

Further details are available in the CTV News article as well as a notice from the B.C. Maritime Employer Association.